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Meditation for inner strength and trust

Krise als Chance zu Veränderung|Heilpraktiker Wunstorf

Dear listeners,   

I would like to welcome you to a small

rest and relaxation experience.

In   times of increased unrest and uncertainty, in which we are inundated by a multitude of stimuli and sometimes frightening information  it is increasingly difficult for us to calm down internally.

And it is precisely this access to our "inner peace"   that is so important for all of us, because it gives us the security, confidence and strength that we so urgently need now.

I invite you now to a little exercise   that can help you regain inner strength, clarity and confidence.

Innere Stärke und Vertrauen1
00:00 / 16:50

crisis advice

If I may support you in your personal life crisis,

I would like to give you  tools and methods that can help you to draw from your own inner healing treasure 

crisis as an opportunity

In my practice, revitalizing, individually adapted treatments have proven to be particularly helpfulbreathing exercisesfrom Kundalini Yoga and the so-called "Connected Breath". 

With a little practice, everyone can achieve a permanent deepening and thus improvement in breathing.

This facilitates contact with oneself and one's inner self, especially in times of crisis.

My most important task to support you on your healing path is to facilitate your access to your inner being.

In this, your (!) inner space, free from fear and pressing worries,

all solutions, healing possibilities, but also vitality and joy are ready for you.

Ruine als Symbol für einen verborgenen Schatz|Krisenberatung|Heilpraktiker

Wherever there is a ruin
is also hope for a treasure –
Why don't you seek God's treasure in the desolate heart?


naturopathic practice

Tobias Popp​

At the old market 18
31515 Wunstorf
Phone 05031-12459

contact form

Naturheilpraxis Tobias Popp

Bildnachweis- Galerie siehe Impressum, 

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