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Personal career

Tobias Popp

Kundalini Yoga




I am very happy and grateful that I decided on my profession at a very young age, shortly after graduating from high school, and that I can still do it today with great pleasure.

I experience how little that can be taken for granted every day with many of my patents, who often enough even become seriously ill due to their professional activities.

I can say that I have completed all the training that I did after acquiring my naturopathic license


andjob qualifications, which I have chosen because of my personal interest.

Since I started my family early on and had to feed my wife and four children in my early 30s, I was able to quickly put the knowledge I had acquired into practice in my job.

In this time I was also with the

Kundalini Yoga 

familiar, which has become an essential part of my daily life. Even then, it was important for me to take care of my physical health and to do exercises for it. As I got older, I discovered more and more the mental and "spiritual" healing power of this method, which provides extensive wisdom.

In addition to the most well-known physical exercises, an essential part consists ofbreathing exercises andmeditation.

For me, the morning yoga practice has become a daily ritual (need) that helps me to cope with my everyday life, to organize my thoughts and to stay centered.

In my daily homeopathic practice, I like to give my patients   yoga techniques that are tailored to their needs to support healing.

Finally, in addition to all the interesting and helpful training courses I was allowed to take part in, I would like to mention that in my life my children were very important teachers and still are today.

I had and still have an intimate relationship with my 5 sons.

Four of them are now "grown up" and I currently have two cute grandchildren, so I've even become a grandfather.

Through my youngest I experience the great happiness of being able to witness this miracle of life again in my later years and with more serenity, devotion, appreciation for this intense phase of life that is passing by so quickly, and, maybe with a little bit, I didn’t at the time available wisdom.


naturopathic practice

Tobias Popp​

At the old market 18
31515 Wunstorf
Phone 05031-12459

contact form

Naturheilpraxis Tobias Popp|Heilpraktiker|Homöopathie-Kinder|Augendiagnose|Biodynamische Körperpsychotherapie|Kinder|Rückenbehandlung|Wunstorf|Am Alten Markt 18|

Picture credits gallery see imprint

Photo credits - gallery see imprint, 


naturopathic practice

Tobias Popp​

At the old market 18
31515 Wunstorf
Phone 05031-12459

contact form

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